About the Artist

Nima Khah is an emerging artist, currently based in British Columbia, Canada. Primarily self-taught, he has pursued the study of art, exploring the history, techniques, and philosophies of Western, Eastern, and Middle-Eastern art, while experimenting with different styles and media. Like many, he started doodling and painting with pencil crayons, pastels and watercolour at a very young age. His formal training in drawing, painting and mixed media took place in secondary school. Since then, has expressed his artistic inclinations through freelance graphic design for several businesses and projects, which further honed his skills in composition and colour theory. In 2017, Nima returned to painting seriously. Beyond the canvas, he indulges in the simple joy of playing and composing music, dabbles in photography, or tries his hand at poetry.

As a child, Nima was fascinated by and felt a deep connection with nature, exploring among trees and plants in his grandparents' garden in Iran. As years passed, the demands of typical urban life, daily routines, and school and work obligations overshadowed this natural connection. However, discontent with the routine of urban life ultimately led Nima to embark on a journey of self-discovery, in which meditation, inner inquiry, and nature were at the core. Like a child again, Nima began to see with fresh eyes, recognizing the beauty of nature manifesting itself ubiquitously. Painting naturally became an expression of this renewed connection

Observation and awareness underpin the philosophy of Nima’s art. Much like the art of distilling profound experiences into concise Haiku verses, Nima typically captures fleeting glimpses of the sublime in his compositions. Whether the result of an instantaneous inspiration or a meditative contemplation, his paintings are mostly characterized by earth tones, modest subjects, and pictorial qualities of traditional Eastern art, such as voids that create an atmosphere of tranquility.

Nima's paintings appear simple but may take the viewer on a journey of contemplation and introspection. He hopes that his paintings serve as a window to see the world with fresh eyes and to inspire new perceptions.

Nima Khah - Artist - Instagram Bio

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